My granfathers carers has been giving him in a bottle pure concentrate orange without any water. can this have a effect on his blood sugar levels (glucose)
When you put concentrated orange squash into water, the flavor, sweetness, and color of the orange squash will mix with the water, creating a diluted orange-flavored drink. The more concentrated the squash, the stronger the orange flavor will be in the water.
Which form of squash? The vegetable squash is readily available, as is the drink orange or lemon squash. The sport of squash is also played.
champagne at parties, otherwise orange squash
The solvent in orange squash is water, while the solute is typically sugar, orange flavoring, and any additional ingredients such as preservatives or coloring agents. When mixed together, the solute dissolves in the solvent to create the final orange squash drink.
a carrot u bum! Jon or squash, pumpkins, and peppers ;)
A squash drink is fruit juice and water, mostly water.
squash as in the vegetable or drink?? Veg=yes, it is healthy Drink= OK in small quantities; about 600ml per day is OK! :)
Well, honey, when you dilute concentrated orange squash with water, you can't exactly go back in time and un-mix it. Once you've added water to that sweet, syrupy goodness, there's no turning back. So, just enjoy your diluted orange drink and remember, life is too short to cry over spilled squash.
no water
The word is squash, not as the game or as the drink, but in its verb form.
The main solvent in fizzy orange drink is water.