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It does not change much from an adult or a kid. You get drunk, but for kids and teens, it REALLY messes up your growing brain. The law says you should only drink once you are 21, because your brain is fully developed. But it will always hurt your brain, no matter what.

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16y ago
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13y ago

If there's a legal age in the country you live in, the person that provided the alcohol can get charged if they get caught. If you were the one that chose to drink it, then they might still charge the person that left the beer lying around at your reach.

Some families in drink socially or religiously, although it is still illegal, the government is a lot less likely to get involved with religious or cultural beliefs so you might not get in trouble for that, but note that it is still illegal.

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10y ago

Many different things can happen when you drink alcohol. You can get drunk and make poor decisions, you can pass out, and you can get alcohol poisoning.

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14y ago

You lose your weight you would gain when you're older.

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12y ago

Minimum would be a ticket for contributing to the delinquency of a minor

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13y ago

when you are under the age of 21 your brain is not fully developed and the alcohol can cause you permanent brain damage. Also you can have liver and other problems.

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No, you can be charged with underage use.

What happens if there's alcohol at a party but you don't drink and the party is raided by the cops?

If you're under the age of 21 and are the designated driver at a party, could can usually be arrested for underage drinking!

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If it wasn't involving a vehicle, usually nothing.

If you are at a friends house and drink available alcohol while underage what would the legal consequences in NZ be?

don't get caught

What happens if an underage teen buys and sells alcohol to another underage teen?

You would be breaking the law and you and the person you sold to would probably be going to jail.

Can you drink underage in Boracay?

No, you cannot drink underage in any civilized country.

What happens after you drink alcohol?

You might get dizzy

What happens when alcohol law enforcement gives you a ticket for selling tobacco to underage?

Pay your ticket and stop doing that.

What happens to your kidney if you drink to much alcohol?

u die

What happens to your brain when you drink alcohol?

It slows the bodys functions

Can you drink alcohol under age in Ohio?

Yes, they can. In ORC 4301.69(B) It clearly states - "That beer or intoxicating liquor will be consumed by an underage person on the premises of the accommodations that the person engages or uses, unless the person engaging or using the accommodations is the spouse of the underage person and is not an underage person, or is the parent or legal guardian of all of the underage persons, who consume beer or intoxicating liquor on the premises and that person is on the premises at all times when beer or intoxicating liquor is being consumed by an underage person;" ORC 4301.69 deals with underage persons concerning (liquor laws). It states many times over that an underage spouse or child is free to drink in their guardian or parents presence.