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It takes you longer to get drunk as these drugs have opposite affect. Also you can feel that you are not drunk even though you are acting drunk to those around you. This is due to the brain receiving mixed signals. Worst case scenario is alcohol poisoning or hearth attack.

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Q: What happens if you drink achohol while using ephedrine?
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What is synthesized by the reduction of ephedrine?

Ephedrine can be reduced to produce methamphetamine. This reduction involves a chemical reaction that alters the structure of the ephedrine molecule to create methamphetamine.

What are the potential risks and benefits associated with using the ephedrine diet pill for weight loss?

The potential risks of using ephedrine diet pills for weight loss include increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and potential for addiction. The benefits may include temporary weight loss and increased energy levels. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before using ephedrine due to its potential risks.

Is ephedrine a good choice for the relief of occasional asthma symptoms?

Ephedrine is a good choice for the relief of occasional asthma symptoms. It has right ingredients to smooth over asthma in a few hours after using it.

How do they make synthetic ephedrine?

Synthetic ephedrine is typically produced via chemical synthesis processes using precursor chemicals. The process involves multiple steps, including the extraction of key intermediates, chemical reactions to convert these intermediates into ephedrine, and purification steps to obtain the final product. The synthesis is tightly controlled due to the regulations surrounding ephedrine as a controlled substance in many countries.

What happens when you take LSD and drink alcohol?

WikiAnswer does not provide information about illegal acts, such as using LSD.

Can you get ephedrine from red rooster chicken feed?

Ephedrine is a compound found naturally in the Ephedra plant and is not typically found in red rooster chicken feed. It is important to note that using chicken feed as a source of ephedrine can be harmful and is not recommended due to potential health risks. It is advised to obtain ephedrine through legal and safe means, such as consulting a healthcare professional.

Can Pseudoephedrine give false positive for amphetamines?

Yes. All variations of methamphetamine, amphetamine, methcathinone and ephedrine have very similar molecular structures, and they all break down to the same compound in your body. In fact, ephedrine is a necessary precursor in synthesizing the other three drugs. Urine tests, especially portable on-the-spot ones, are designed to detect this compound that these drugs break down into, not the drugs themselves, so whether you are on methamphetamine, amphetamine, methcathinone, or ephedrine or even pseudo ephedrine, you can test positive for amphetamines. If you do test positive and you know you were only on ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, you can request a re-test that involves a proper lab using blood or hair samples

Can you extract ephedrine from a livestock salt lick by putting it into a bucket and sending a 220 volt current through it?

No, extracting ephedrine from a livestock salt lick using a 220-volt current is not a safe or effective method. Ephedrine extraction requires different chemical processes that involve solvents, acids, and bases, not electricity. It is also important to note that extracting ephedrine from any source, including livestock salt licks, may be illegal without the proper permits.

Do astronaus drink from cup?

No, they drink from sealed containers using straws.

Where can you get ephedra?

You can buy it at the chemists shop. Depending on what country you're from, you can purchase ephedrine at a health food/bodybuilding supplement store or buy it online. In Canada, Popeyes supplements and SND nutrition sells ephedrine HCL. Edit: You can purchase ephedrine online quite easily these days. I think the industry has been better regulated now. Make sure to ask your doctor for information on how to use it safely. Most sites also provide a list of the pros and cons when using it.

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What kind of fertilizer is used for making crystal meth?

Ammonia and Lithium combined with pseudoephedrine or ephedrine will make Methamphetamine. Using ammonium nitrate fertilizer is not recommended due to its tendency to explode.