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your body sweats to keep cool. If you are under extreme heat you could possibly suffer by overheating, dehydrating, fainting, and/or death.

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Q: What happens if you don't sweat at all?
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What happens when you exercise and sweat an d you don't dry off the sweat?

When you exercise and you don't drie off the sweat nothing Happens i think your sweat eventually evaporates .. its not bad or anything but if you don't sweat at all that's bad .!

Where don't you sweat?

we dont sweat at our mouth

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If you dont go to mecca at all ... if u r a muslim... idk what happens

What happens when you get hot?

You sweat.

Why won't my best friend text me back all of a sudden She's not mad at you What should you do about this her phone receives messages?

happens all the time. nbd. either shes busy, got her phone taken away, or isnt in the mood for texting. dont sweat it

Why some don't sweat?

because usally their in such great shape that they dont break a sweat

Why is Sweating like a pig not an accurate phrase?

The phrase "sweating like a pig" is a misnomer because pigs do not have sweat glands like humans. They lack the physiological mechanism to regulate body temperature through sweating, so they often use wallowing in mud to cool down. Thus, the phrase is inaccurate in describing excessive human sweating.

What happens to people when they get too hot?

they sweat

What happens when you run in hot weather?

You sweat.

Do pigs keep poisons in them as they don't sweat?

no they dont

What happen when you don't sweat?


Do peacocks spit?

No they dont because i think the dont have spit