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Q: What happens if you don't consume enough copper?
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you become to skinny but DONT die and but get sick

What happens to a sheet of copper as the average kinetic energy of the copper molecules decreases?

As the average kinetic energy of copper molecules decreases, the temperature of the copper sheet also decreases. Eventually, if the temperature drops low enough, the copper molecules will lose enough kinetic energy to form a solid, and the copper sheet will freeze and become a solid metal.

What happens if you dont get enough vitaminC?

you get rabies

What happens if you dont get enough fats?

you will feel cold and you wont have enough energy

What happens if you dont have enough phosphorus in your body?

you die.

What happens of you dont have enough minerals?

your blood cells will be weak and you will be sick.

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they begin to die, for example if you dont get enough air what will happen to you?

What happens when you mix copper 2 chloride and lead?

i dont konw..:P nice answer rite?? hehe lol

How do you consume an elephant?

You dont.

What happens when you dont get enough vitamin c?

Scurvy, among other health problems.

What is happens if you dont have enough vitamin c?

Over time your bones will become fragile.

What happens if you dont eat enough energy?

You will obviously have less energy. I have experimented the effects of eating and not eating before exercise. I concluded that when I have something to eat before exercise (not necessarily right before exercise) I am able to run for a longer period than when I do not consume anything.