Typically, a human should shower or take a bath once to twice per day. Using mild soap without perfumes is best for your skin. Once you exit the shower or bath, be sure to add some sun screen and a rich moisture lotion to your entire body to keep skin looking young and feeling soft. Taking excessive baths per day, more than three can cause your skin to become too dry. You have heard of the saying, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness?" Well, follow that golden rule but not in the extreme. If you can smell your own body odor, it's time to get in that shower.
don't put too much bubble bath in your bath and stick to some bath oil and a tiny bit of bubble bath/ shower gel. i recommend lavender oil for the best baths. Make sure you're bath is not too hot or too cold. if you like you can put some pure lemongrass in your bath. i swear by it! :---)
Your fingertips and toes absorb water and become wrinkled as the swell, bath salt will not change this, your fingers and toes go back to normal as they dry out.
There isn't anything too damaging about it... it makes you sleepy but i think that's about it.
if there too little water animal die crops are not growing and if their is too much water flood came
you can die
you get FAT
it can have effects on your memory
You won't be able too speak.
If you get too much calcium you may get calcium deposits on your bones.
what happens when a baby dolphin spends too much time on the surface of the water
If you swear too much at the crowd,then the crowd will beat you up.
You grin from ear to ear too much!!!!!