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It will mostly likely cause you to become quite sick with things like diahria. I'm not certain of long term affects.

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Q: What happens if water is not cleaned?
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How can fresh water supplies be cleaned?

Fresh water supplies can be cleaned up by the water cycle

How can fresh water supplies be cleaned up?

Fresh water supplies can be cleaned up by the water cycle

How does water move throughout our atmosphere and is cleaned?

How water moves through out our atmosphere and is cleaned

What degree of burn can be cleaned with soap and water?

If the burn is minor, it may be cleaned gently with soap and water.

What are three things that need to be cleaned by water?

the three things that need to be cleaned from water are chemicals,germs

What happens if you put soap in your hair?

It gets Cleaned.

Where is water cleaned?

water filtration plant

What happens if there's no sand in your pool filter?

The water will just be re cycled without being cleaned, the sand removes minute particles of solids.

Where is sewage water cleaned?

water filtration plant

Why should water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on regular basis?

The water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on a regular basis to remove the water deposits. The water purifiers should be cleaned and serviced on a regular basis to remove the deposits left by the purified water.

Can contaminated water be cleaned?

Yes it can

Does a silk Duvet have to be dry cleaned?

Silk duvets are best when dry cleaned, as water will damage them.