It depends what kind of pesticide it is.
Some are highly irritating, on the skin as well as the airways and eyes.
Others are highly toxic, and should never be inhaled.
There are many things that could happen to the animals if the air they breath were sprayed with pesticide. One is that they could get sick or die.
There are a number of things that could happen to animals if the air they breathe was sprayed with pesticide. These animals could die or develop infections.
Water is sprayed on fruits and vegetables in order to wash off dust particles, excess microorganisms, and possible pesticide residues.
I would not recommend giving your pet guinea pig grass that has been sprayed with pesticide.
No bio hazards are from humans
Greater crop yields.
misuse and overuse.
You're thinking of the granules-that is only good for insects on the ground, eaves etc bushes should still be sprayed to get the spiders, otherwise they would never make contact
It dies
You die
Any grasses or weeds that you pull from the garden, spinach, pumpkins, corn. But do not give them anything that has been sprayed with pesticide or herbicide.
yes a cat can get sick because of eating an you should better take the cat to a hospital. good luck.