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Q: What happens if a man drink women toilet?
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Can a man drink a women ejaculate?

yes... i can

Can a man and women pee at the same time?

Yes it is. But just not in the samE TOILET!

A british women gets pregnant by a US man what happens?

Nothing bad happens.

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He has a Mexican as a wife.

What do females think of men using their toilet in the UK?

From an individual's point of view it wouldn't bother me personally if a man used the women's toilet. It is a standard fact that women's restrooms are extremely messy while men's restrooms are much cleaner.

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Nothing! It's a soft drink!

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It all depend. If de man drink de vodka, de women desire go down. But if de women drink de vodka, it go up! Yah mann.

What happens if a man in china has a baby with a women than has another baby with another women?

he gets kicked in the face

Does a women body process alcohol faster than a man?

The womans body absorbs alcohol faster. Women can drink less amounts of alcohol to get drunk the same way men do but they drink more.

What happens when a women sees someone she likes?

When a woman sees a man she likes, she smiles.

What happens if a man drinks his own blood?

you dont drink your blood so you dont find out! =O

What Black man who invented the toilet?

Well, It was not a black man who invented the 'Toilet' The man who inveted the 'Flushing Toiled' Was 'Thomas Crapper'