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Simply ask the person "did you hear what me and my friends were talking abut before "or get your friend/friends to go up to this girl/boy and say "do you know (you) this person likes or did you hear what (you) said ???" or if you are certain that this person heard just face it and im sure if he/she liked you back then this could turn into somthing !!

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Q: What happeneds if you told your friends who you like but the person heard it?
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It isn't their choice who you like. You have every right to like that person. Keep liking them unless there IS a reason not to like them (like if a friend heard them gossiping about you or they aren't nice to your friends). But it's up to you so good luck.

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Who CARES if the person you like is a nerd! We are all nerds and dorks in our own way, and that shouldn't matter to you, or your friends. You are the one who likes him/her, and not your friends. You can tell your friends if you want to, but it really isn't any of their business if the person you like is a nerd or not. true that and if your friends are relly friends they would be ok with that

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you can probley go up to the person and talk with them or even, become friends with their friends so u can get closer to the person you like.

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