The circulatory system is a vast network of organs and vessels that is responsible for the flow of blood, nutrients, oxygen and other gases, and hormones to and from cells. Without the circulatory system, the body would not be able to fight disease or maintain a stable internal environment - such as proper temperature and pH - known as homeostasis.
Imagine if you die. You begin to rot. No oxygen flowing to your leg would result in cells dying off and rotting away, with that said new cells can't be formed. Eventually if the leg is still attached to you then your leg would be unable to fight infection, which would spread until you actually die. That is why they amputate legs that no longer have blood flow.
There is no problem with your leg! I get this all the time, when crossing your legs, you stop blood flow so its good to remember to switch legs!
Use a tourniquet first to stop the -threatening external hemorrhaging from the leg.
Blood poisoning from the cut cato's sword made in his leg.
When leg stop hurt.
her leg was hurting her so she had to stop playing
you should apply direct pressure to the place that is bleeding, and lie down raising your leg as high as you can, if this doesn't stop the bleeding within a short time, call an ambulance.
The posterior tibial artery carries blood to the posterior of the leg. This artery also branches off into the fibular artery, which supplies blood to the lateral compartment of the leg.
He tied a rope around his leg to stop the wound from bleeding.
If your talking about when you are sitting down with your legs crossed, it is because the pressure of on leg on the other, that restricts blood flow thus causing numbness in your leg. If it has happened to you while you are standing, it may be because you are putting more pressure on one leg than the other.
he triped on somthin on stag and brock his leg or how ever i want to say it
he broke his leg