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They get moldy and you will be foreva alone and it's unhealthy.

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Q: What happen if you dont clean your balls?
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Why dont the tennis balls get dirty on clay?

It will get dirt but when the balls are stroked hard by the players the dirt in the fur leaves it. So it seems to us that the ball is clean. At the same time it is not so clean as a new ball. some dirt will there. when we are seeing in the television it looks like the ball is clean.

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Something to clean your balls with.

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I dont know why my balls are big, and i dont know how you can compare them to your penis, where as i have never met you.

When did Sticky Balls happen?

Sticky Balls happened in 2005.

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Balls of Fury happened in 2007.

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Because they have hairs on there balls and Liam and Matthew i dont even no if they have balls Because they have hairs on there balls and Liam and Matthew i dont even no if they have balls

The action replay code to get 999 master balls?

you dont want to do that cheat i did it and lost my save file with mew 2 and shiny raquaza it will probably happen to you

How many balls are there on inauguration day?

well there are 10 balls whoever dont know that that mean yall dont watch the news

When did Iggy's Reckin' Balls happen?

Iggy's Reckin' Balls happened in 1998.

Why dont equal masses of golf balls and ping pong balls contain the same number of balls?

Their densities are different.

Can you get Zits on balls?

i dont think so

Is it a law to clean on Sunday?

no i dont clean on sundays