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Q: What happen if you are not having white blood in 7 days after sex?
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How long does a white blood cell live for?

White blood cells can live anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the specific type of white blood cell and the need for them in the body. Overall, the average lifespan of white blood cells is around 13 to 20 days.

How long does it take Blood Parrot eggs to hatch?

2 to 5 days usally but only having two percent chance to live they will be white if dead.

At what rate do white blood cells regenerate?

three days

Where white blood cell destroyed?

The lifespan of white blood cells ranges from 13 to 20 days, after which time they are destroyed in the lymphatic system.

Where are white blood cells destroyed?

White blood cells are destroyed mainly in the spleen and liver, where they are broken down by macrophages and other immune cells. Additionally, some white blood cells may be eliminated in the bone marrow or lymph nodes as part of the immune system's surveillance and renewal process.

You had stomach pains for two days then lots of blood what does this mean?

You are having a period

Can you be pregnant after having brown blood for several days?

yes - take a test

How long to stay in hospital after having a blood clot removed?

3 days

How lond do white blood cells last?

WBCs live in circulation for about 30 days

Do bed bugs die if they don't get blood?

No , the bed bugs can live more 8 days without having blood.

What caurse large white blood cells?

If you mean causes, then white blood cells are made in the bone marrow by hematopoietic stem cells. There are 5 types and they live around 7 days.

Could you be pregnant for having a spot of blood a few days of having your period?

it may be a possabilty but i would go and see your doctor to make sure