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Q: What gives urine its normal yellow color?
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What is the name of the pigment that gives urine its normal yellow color?

The pigment that gives urine its normal yellow color is called urochrome.

What substances is responsible for the normal yellow color of urine?

Urobilin, a byproduct of the breakdown of hemoglobin in the liver, is responsible for the normal yellow color of urine.

Is amber a normal urine color?

No, amber is not a normal urine color. Normal urine color can range from pale yellow to dark yellow, but amber color may indicate dehydration or other health issues. It is advisable to drink more fluids and consult a healthcare professional if the amber color persists.

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Raccoon urine is a clear, slightly yellow coloration.

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The color of urine depends on type of diet alone and not skin color or race. Normal urine color ranges from light yellow to dark yellow.

What does urine gets it's normal yellow-amber or straw color from the pigment known as?

Normal urine color results from a pigment called urochrome. The actual tint will depend on the concentration or dilution of the urine. The color of urine may not always be normal; B vitamins, for example, turn urine green, and carrot juice can turn it orange.UrochromeUrochrome Urochrome

Does yellow urine mean that you are pregnant?

Yellow urine is normal, especially if you haven't been drinking enough or peed for a long time, like in the morning. Has nothing to do with pregnancy. Take a test if you want to know.It's due to excretion of urochrome, a blood pigment. Urochrome is a yellow-colored pigment that gives the color to urine.

What is the color of urine?

Urine can be of different colors. This is due to the different foods or liquids we introduce to our body. (i.e. introducing dyes into your system, drugs we take, etc.) But the normal color of urine is either yellow or pale straw. some times it can be orange, yellow, clear!!

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Where does urine get its normal color from?

Urine gets its normal yellow color from a pigment called urochrome, which is a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin from old red blood cells. The concentration of urochrome in urine can vary depending on hydration levels and diet.