Girls share lots of things about boys with each other. They talk about how they look, how they smell, how they act, whether they are funny or serious, whether they are friendly or unfriendly. If they like a boy, they talk about how cute he is or how cool he acts. If they don't like a boy, they might discuss his physical appearance or personality and what they don't like about them.
I would definately say mostly girls, boys TEND to like to be a bit quieter
mostly 50% of girls kind of like shy boys the other fifty girls like boys who talk and speak and talks her
I think girls definitely talk about boys more. When ever I go to a sleepover about every boy in our school gets talked about.
I don't quite think so because boys and girls should get used to being with each other or in other words, get used to each other instead of feeling awkward when a girl or boy talks to you. Yup yup very true. They also need each other to produce more boys and girls.
it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.
yes boys do
It is for boys AND girls!!
Boys and Girls
There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.
They can be both boys and girls, but usually boys.
there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')