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Q: What gets filled every night and emptied every morning except for once a year when its done the opposite way round?
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What gets filled every morning and emptied at night but once a year gets emptied in the morning and filled at night?

A stocking.

What is the opposite of emptied?

Opposites could be full, or filled.For metaphorically empty (hollow), the opposite could be meaningful.For empty, specifically of people, the opposite could be populated, or occupied.the oppisite of empty is full

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What item can only be filled and emptied by hand?

water , glove

What item can only be filled and reemptied by hand?

A glove or a sock is an item that can only be filled and emptied by hand.

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A capacitor is to electricity as a glass is to water. Both are passive devices, they can be filled and they can be emptied.

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A "Terrarium" would be the dirt filled opposite to an Aquarium

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Grains like wheat are stored in silos. Silos are circular metal buildings that can be filled and emptied.

As the purse is emptied the heart is filled?

As martial artist's have a saying stave your greed feed your need for your foe feed there greed starve there need

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How subs float and sink?

subs have empty tanks in them. this empty tanks are filled with water when the subs need to sink and emptied when the subs need to float.

Why does an empty cooking cylinder weighs less compared to a filled cylinder?

What ever was in the cylinder had weight of its' own. When the cylinder was emptied, only the weight of the cylinder was left.