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Water, if frozen into a block, and thrown really hard can sometimes have this effect. If you mean injested liquid, there's a problem: The line between unconscious and dead is actually a very fine line. Contrary to what you see on the TV, if someone is unconscious, they're in real trouble. This is why there are anesthesiologists. Chloral Hydrate, combined with Ethanol was used in the old days of "Mickey Finn's" bar to knock out customers who could then be robbed. However, the number of customers who actually (a) became unconscious and (b) then regained conciousness is speculative. This was also easily identified, even back then (1800's). In summary, there is no safe way to render a person unconscious, liquid or otherwise, and not risk killing them.

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I dont think Wiki wants to help you with any daterape ^^, haha

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What type of gas can be used to knock someone unconscious in under two hour that are vapors at room temperatures and also ones that won't kill the person harm them like mustard gas?

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or chloroform are two gases that can be used to knock someone unconscious in a gentle manner within two hours. It is important to note that using any gas for this purpose should be done under medical supervision to ensure safety and proper dosage control.

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I would presume so, if you pinched a nerve that made the person fall unconscious or feel tired.

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In boxing, K.O. Stands for knock out. Being knocked unconscious.

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Knock them unconscious then they wont be able to bother you

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Knock the patient unconscious.

What was a common pre-amputation anaesthetic during the Napoleonic Wars?

Knock the patient unconscious.

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If they are unconscious and breathing, nothing will happen. If they are unconscious and not breathing, they will die.

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When a diabetic person becomes unconscious, check for their emergency glucagon injection kit, as you are calling 911. Once the person is conscious, treat the same as you would a person who has not been unconscious.

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When the person does not respond

How do you do unconscious?

you have oo knock your head on something hard and pass out this could cause notcia(pronounced nor-zi-a)

How can a person be unconscious?

Go to sleep.