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Seaweed is the one thing you need to eat!

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Q: What foods contribute to healthy hair?
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What are some aspects of a hair loss diet? WebMD offers a list of foods that are good for you and your hair. These foods help promote healthy hair growth and keep hair looking good.

What factors contribute to healthy hair?

Wash it.

Foods for healthy hair?

Foods rich in protein, although I wouldn't over do it!

What factors contribute hair growth?

a healthy clean nourished scalp

What is recommended for healthy hair?

To have healthy hair you should: 1. Use healthy washing and styling methods. 2. Use healthy products and avoid treatments that damage your hair. 3. Eat a healthy diet that includes foods that provide the nutrients your hair needs.

How do you grow faster long hair for healthy males?

Eat healthy foods, massage your scalp, exercise regularly.

What foods contain silica?

Foods that contain silica are cucumbers and melons. These help skin, eyes, nails and hair remain healthy.

What does hair need to grow thick and healthy?

the right vitamins and minerals also doesnt need to be washed every day or it will take out all of the natural oils that contribute to shiny thick healthy hair

Is there foodstuffs that promotes hair growth?

Foods with Vitamin a promote healthy growing hair. Some examples of such foods include green vegetables, beans, and almonds. Check out for more ideas.

Will not washing your hair make it grow?

no, but it will make it dirty. If you want your hair to grow, eat healthy foods, take your vitamins, and exercise regularly.

What can you use to make your hair grow faster?

Eat healthy. Your hair grows from the inside out. so if you are healthy and eat all the right foods like vegetables then your hair will be healthy as well. And no if you trim your hair every 8 weeks then it will not help it grow faster, the only thing that is doing is making it look healthy. Remember the darker the green the better it is. I'm a hair stylist, and know some tricks.

What are tips for healthy hair?

Eat healthy foods, drink lots of water every day, get regular trims, and don't dye it or blow dry it a lot.