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Q: What factor does not influence the individual?
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What personality factor can influence individual perception?

One personality factor that can influence individual perception is the individual's level of openness. A person who is high in openness may be more likely to perceive ambiguous stimuli in a unique or creative way, while a person who is lower in openness may be more likely to perceive things in a more conventional or expected manner.

What are determinants of individual behavior in organization?

behviour refers to the response made by an individual. The response may be the result of influence of external factors. The external factor is termed as stimulus and the acton taken by the individual is known a srespose

What does individual factor mean?

It is one factor that influences an outcome. It may not be the direct cause, but it has some bearing on who an individual is and what that individual does. It's kind of like the nature part of the nature v. nurture debate. It can be something such as personality, temperament, genetics, etc.Individual factors are things such as genetics and personality that influence the outcome.

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The day and date

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Is Dose the only factor that determines how a substance might affect?

No, dose is not the only factor that determines how a substance might affect an individual. Other factors such as the individual's age, weight, metabolism, genetics, and overall health can also influence how a substance will affect that person. Additionally, the route of administration and frequency of use can also impact the effects of a substance.

Which is not a factor that influence HNS operations?

A factor that does not influence HNS operations is risk affiliated with a dependence on HNS.

Introduction on the influence of media and friends on an individual lifestyle choices-?

The introduction of the influence of media and friends on the individual lifestyle choices helps inform the people.