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Q: What factor affect the health of a watershed?
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What factors affects the help of the watershed?

Factors that affect the health of a watershed include land use practices, pollution from agriculture and urban runoff, natural disasters, climate change, and habitat destruction. These factors can impact water quality, biodiversity, and overall ecosystem function within the watershed.

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How amount of rainfall affects watershed.?

The amount of rainfall affects the flow of the streams within the watershed area, and ultimately how much water is stored in the watershed.

How can a watershed be affected?

A watershed can be affected by various human activities such as urbanization, deforestation, agriculture, and industrial pollution. These activities can lead to increased runoff and sedimentation, decreased water quality, loss of habitat, and altered hydrological processes within the watershed. Such impacts can affect the health of the watershed ecosystem and the availability of clean water resources.

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What are the factors that will affect the amount of water in the watershed?

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How do organisms use a watershed?

Organisms use a watershed for drinking water, absorbing nutrients, sheltering and reproducing. Watersheds provide habitats for various plants and animals to thrive, supporting biodiversity and ecological balance. The health of a watershed directly impacts the health and survival of the organisms living within it.

What are some factors that will affect the amount of water in watershed?

i dont noh the answert

When fertilizer enters the surface What affect dose it do to the watershed?

When fertilizer enters the surface water in a watershed, it can lead to nutrient pollution, causing excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants. This overgrowth, known as eutrophication, can deplete oxygen levels in the water, leading to harmful algal blooms, fish kills, and overall degradation of water quality. It can also impact human health and ecosystem balance within the watershed.