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The evidence was that poor people were the only ones who were getting Pellagra. Because of their poor diet.

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Mohammed Parisian

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Q: What evidence did Dr. Goldberger find that suggested that pellagra was not caused by germs?
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What was Joseph Goldberger's theory about pellagra?

Joseph Goldberger believed that pellagra was caused by a nutritional deficiency, particularly a lack of niacin in the diet. He conducted studies showing that pellagra could be prevented and treated by adding foods rich in niacin, such as meat and milk, to the diet.

What did Joseph Goldberger do to provide evidence of the relationship between pellagra and nutrition?

Joseph Goldberger, a physician in the U.S. government's Hygienic Laboratory, the predecessor of the National Institutes of Health, discovered the cause of pellagra and stepped on a number of medical toes when his research experiments showed that diet and not germs (the currently held medical theory) caused the disease.

Why didn't people believe Dr Goldberger's conclusion about the case of pellagra?

because they thought it was caused by a bacteria(germs) or either a bug or insect

What did dr.goldberger do provide evidence of the relationship between pellagra and nutrition?

Dr.Goldberger did an experiment to see what caused pellagra

What did dr.Goldberger do to provide evidence of the relationship between pellagra and nutrition?

Dr.Goldberger did an experiment to see what caused pellagra

What was the hypothesis of Dr.Goldberger's research of pellagra?

Dr. Goldberger's hypothesis was that pellagra was a dietary deficiency disease caused by the lack of a specific nutrient in the diet, rather than being contagious or due to a germ as was previously thought. He believed that a poor diet with insufficient levels of certain nutrients, such as niacin, was the root cause of pellagra.

What was the first step in Dr Goldberger's research into pellagra?

Looking at the southern people's diet and how it was a horrible diet, which made him think that pellagra is caused by a lack of nutrition

What was drgoldbergers hypothesis about the cause of pellegra?

Dr. Joseph Goldberger hypothesized that pellagra was caused by a dietary deficiency, particularly lack of niacin (vitamin B3), rather than being an infectious disease as was previously believed. He conducted studies with volunteers to demonstrate that the disease could be prevented and treated by dietary changes.

What did dr goldenberger do to show that pellagra was caused by poor nutrition?

Dr. Goldberger took a bunch of healthy prisoners (prisoners without Pellagra) to a sanitary building with screens on the doors and windows so no insects could get in. The building was cleaned every week and the prisoners diet was changed to one consisting of corn and fatback (a piece of meat with a bunch of fat). After a week or two seven out of nine prisoners had Pellagra.

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