Soda pop or "pop" or any sugary drinks can erode the enamel on your teeth. The overall effect may result in immediate cavities forming over 3 months to 12 months' time. Or the effects on enamel may be cummulative so by the time a person is 30 to 50 years old they have had numerous cavities, root canals, lost teeth, or even dentures.
Soda pop or "pop" or any sugary drinks can cause you to gain weight and to keep it on. Many people who drink a 6-pack of pop a day report that they lose anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds once they stop drinking pop.
High sugar consumption and excess calories being turned to fat cells can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. However, limiting or eliminating soda pop consumption, along with exercise and proper diet, can help lower the high blood sugars in Diabetes. In Diabetes, the pancreas stops producing enough insulin to cover glucose consumption. Insulin is what brings into a cell the needed nutrients, so with little or no insulin, cells do not get proper nutrition. In addition to high glucose levels, Diabetics suffer from dry skin, neuropathy (a very painful nerve condition), difficulty losing weight, pancreatic and liver damage, heart damage, and even blindness or need for amputation as a result of poor circulation.
Many people think these effects don't occur if they only drink "diet" pop. However, the body still stores the unneeded calories as fat cells. All foods and drinks (except for water) converts to glucose in the body. The body uses the glucose it needs and stores the rest in fat cells, usually around the middle and hips.
Soda pop or "pop" or any caffeine drinks has a direct effect on blood vessels. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, changing the way blood flows through the lumen. When people consume high fat diets (such as fast food), they can start to have plaque build up in major blood vessels as early as their 20s and 30s. With plaque deposits and constriction effects from caffeine, the blood vessels become more narrowed. This can lead to problems with the heart and symptoms of high pulse, dizziness, fainting, etc.
When people drink soda pop instead of milk, the absence of Vitamin D can breaks down bones, making them less resistant to impact injuries. A simple jump or skip can potentially break an ankle or foot; a simple fall can break a hip.
Most physicians recommend reducing the comsumption of any kind of "pop" in favor of fresh water and milk. Many women report positive changes in skin texture and hydration by drinking 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day.
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