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Q: What effects come on body after mensurbation occurs in males?
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In what part of your body system does meiosis occur?

Meiosis occurs in the reproductive organs of the body, specifically in the testes in males and the ovaries in females. This process is responsible for producing sperm cells in males and egg cells in females.

Where in the body does meiosis occur?

Meiosis is cell division of the germ cells, the egg and sperm. It occurs in the ovary in females and testis in males.

What parts of your body does meiosis occur?

Meiosis occurs in the reproductive cells (gametes) of the body, such as egg cells in females and sperm cells in males. It does not occur in other somatic cells of the body.

Where does gametogenesis occur?

Male gametogensis occurs in the testicle. The testicles are in the external scrotum.

Two places in the body where meiosis occurs?

Only one place in the body of a male and one place in the body of a female. Testicles in the male and ovaries in the female.

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Scoliosis occurs mainly in the thoracic and thoraco-lumbar regions. Scoliosis also effects the muscular-skeletal body system.

What organ does testoterone target?

Testosterone primarily targets the reproductive organs, specifically the testes in males and the ovaries in females. It also has effects on various other tissues in the body, such as muscle and bone tissue.

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within 24 hours depending on body size usually occurs in the average person within 2 hours with swelling

What occurs in Lesch-Nyhan syndrome?

Males with this syndrome develop physical handicaps, mental retardation, and kidney problems. It is caused by a total absence of a key enzyme that affects the level of uric acid in the body.

Why the male hemoglobin level is different from female?

Hemoglobin is present in blood and carries oxygen to all parts of the body; males have high testosterone levels which are a very potent anabolic... due to these anabolic effects the hemoglobin levels are higher then females.

Is it true 11 Females dont digest alcohol as quickly as males so they are affected more easily than males?

Yes, it is widely recognized that females tend to metabolize alcohol more slowly than males due to differences in body composition and enzymes. This can lead to females feeling the effects of alcohol more quickly and strongly compared to males of the same weight consuming the same amount of alcohol.

Where is meiosis located in the body?

Meiosis occurs in the reproductive organs of organisms. In humans, meiosis takes place in the testes of males to produce sperm cells and in the ovaries of females to produce egg cells.