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Q: What effect is the inclusion of this information designed to have on her audience?
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Radio advertisement normally educates the audience on the given service or product. The information can then be used in decision making.

What is a rhetorical question designed to do?

A rhetorical question is designed to engage the audience and prompt them to think about a topic, without expecting a direct answer. It can be used to emphasize a point, create an effect, or draw attention to a particular issue in a conversation or speech.

What is rhetorical purpose?

An author's purpose in using rhetoric is to create a certain effect for the reader. Rhetoric is language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

What is push and pull effect in communication?

The push effect in communication refers to actively sending information or messages to a target audience. The pull effect, on the other hand, involves attracting the audience towards the information or messages through various means such as engaging content or advertisements. Both push and pull strategies are commonly used in marketing and advertising to effectively communicate with consumers.

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A demonstrative effect is the impact that a visual aid or demonstration can have on understanding or retention of information. By showing or physically demonstrating a concept, it can help emphasize key points and make the information more memorable for the audience.

An authors' purpose in using rhetoric is to?

An author's purpose in using rhetoric is to create a certain effect for the reader. Rhetoric is language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

How did the audience effect the tragic faith of nightingale?

no effect

What is verfremdungseffekt?

A concept better known as the distancing effect. The technique is used to prevent the audience from connecting with the characters. More information can be found in related links.

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Slag is normally seen as elongated lines either continuous or discontinuous along the length of the weld.

When the audience know more than some of the character in the drama?

This is known as dramatic irony, where the audience has information that some characters do not. It adds tension and suspense to the story as viewers anticipate how the characters will react once they discover the truth. This literary device is often used to engage the audience and create dramatic effect.

What is true of the writing process Edgar Allan Poe used when he wrote The Tell-Tale Heart?

Before he started writing, he thought about how he wanted the story to make readers feel.He chose a specific effect he wanted to create in his audience and then wrote a story designed to create that effect .

Which sentence best states the effect the repetition of the word warrior has on the audience?

The repetition creates an interesting and powerful rhythm for the audience. It underscores the importance of the word for the audience.