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Q: What effect does too much silver have on the body?
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It makes you fat and sits down in your body

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When to much of in organic compound is present in the body what are it's effect?

Excessive amounts of inorganic compounds in the body can lead to toxicity or adverse effects, depending on the specific compound. For example, high levels of heavy metals like lead or mercury can damage organs and impair bodily functions. It's important to maintain a balance and avoid overexposure to these substances to prevent negative health effects.

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It is certainly unhealthy and best be avoided as much as possible.

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it makes you obese if you eat too much of it

Will eating silver kill you?

Not likely, but it will, however, turn your skin blue. The one problem with ingestion of too much silver is that, silver kills bacteria, so ingesting too much may kill off good bacteria in your body.

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Hypovolemia or too much h2O for the body.

Why is pollution harmful to the environment?

Pollution can harm the environment by contaminating air, water, and soil, leading to negative impacts on plant and animal life. It can also disrupt ecosystems, decrease biodiversity, and contribute to climate change. Overall, pollution can have cascading effects on the environment, leading to long-term damage and challenges for sustaining life on Earth.

Is pollution harmful to the environment?

Pollution is an abnormal amount of a material in the environment - too much of a contaminant. In the same way too much of a contaminant in your body - caffeine, alcohol, salt, Mercury - can effect your body's operation. Pollution can effect the complex interactions of the parts of an ecosystem.

When you eat too many tomatoes and acid?

too much of anything is never good, it will always effect the body in a negative way. acid may actually effect the brain as well. it can destroy many cells within the body.