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Q: What effect does peanuts have on the body?
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Are penuts good for the body?

Peanuts are good for the body in small amounts. Because peanuts are high in fat, too many can be bad for the body.

What acids are in peanuts?

Peanuts are high in purines that turn into uric acid in the body.

What is the effect of eating too much peanuts?


Why are peanuts important for our body?

they provide protein

The effect of salmonella on peanuts?

None. Salmonella just hitches a ride.

What are the disadvantages of eating peanuts?

If you are eating peanuts in limited quanitity then peanuts are good for your health,for your memory boosting and to provide protein to body but you are eating in large quanitity then might be there is chances of increasing fats n in your body. So please eat peanuts in limited manner, it is very good for health

Do peanuts make a man last longer in bed?

No, there is no food item that has such effect.

How long does peanuts stay in your system?

Peanuts typically pass through the digestive system within 24-36 hours. However, if you have a peanut allergy, the body's immune response can cause symptoms to last for several days. If you have concerns about your body's reaction to peanuts, consult a medical professional.

What can eating excessive amounts of peanuts do to your body?

I am recovering from mercury posioning and had candida with mercury posioning and doctors suggested, I not eat peanuts. Peanuts have mold and peanut products. Mold has been known to cause headaches. This is what was told to me so I do not eat peanuts anymore. Good Luck

What 5 foods fight body fat?

Peanuts, bananas, cheese, almonds, water

What do peanuts do for the brain?

Peanuts are rich in many different nutrients which are essential for a healthy body thus healthy brain. Especially B3 is highly associated with better brain function.