You will feel no different than before you had them removed. Your body will work just as well after it is removed.
Because your infection leans toward one side and does not effect the other.
my daughter is having tonsil after her periods if i remove the tonsil will her height grow?
Ask your Doctor.
I have issues with tonsil stones as well. I didn't know to remove them and one day I was drinking cappuccino and they started loosing and falling out! It worked amazing! So please I encourage you to try it! I got every single one outbid my tonsils and my throat feels so clear now!
"Beat Tonsil stones" is a guide that shows natural ways to remove tonsil stones. Its my third day of using the natural remedy from that guide, i am feeling somewhat relieved. The remedies described in this guide are very popular in india, I would say it is highly recommended guide for those who are suffering from tonsil stones and bad breath.
pharyngeal tonsil, palatine tonsil, lingual tonsil
These are probably tonsil stones. They cause extremely bad breath and can be eased out very gently, I believe they are a build up of bacteria and food debris. When you remove one you will notice that the smell is awful, they build up in the crypts in your tonsils and are a PAIN!
Tonsils is the plural of tonsil
"Tonsil" is a thing and therefor has no antonym.
Pharyngeal lymphoid tissue or palatine tonsil tissue are terms that can be used as synonyms for tonsil without directly including the word "tonsil" in their names.
Tonsil illness causes problems with throat - which can result in sore throat, sleeping and breathing disorder. Tonsil illness affects throat filters and reduces ability of the throat to filter bacteria and germs.
Tonsil stones is the build up of food which can become lodged in the back of the throat, and then bacteria feeds off them. They are small white lumps which one can feel in the back of the throat and can cause discomfort. One can gently use a cotton bud and try to push them out, try gargling with salt and warm water or visit the doctor.