A microwave may cause brain tumors, cancer, cataracts, a weakened immune system, and even birth defects.
Basically no. Microwave radiation only has the effect of heating things up (think of the microwave in your kitchen). There has been some debate whether this could heat up your brain and what effects it would have, but it has generally found to have little or no effect.
Yes microwave radiation does damage the brain, yet the only way you could get harmed is if you stuck your head inside the microwave and then turned it on. Only the most ancient microwaves will damage your brain otherwise, and even then, the radiation is so small that it amounts to almost nothing.
Microwave radiation can reach the brain through exposure to microwaves emitted by microwave ovens, mobile phones, or other electronic devices. When these devices are held close to the head, the radiation can penetrate the skull and reach the brain tissue.
the radiation can cause the brain damage so it is really hamful.
microwaves cook your brain if you get close to them because they cause bad damage, you should not stand near them while running
brain cancer
No, using a microwave as intended to heat food will not kill brain cells. Microwaves emit non-ionizing radiation, which does not have enough energy to cause damage to cells in the body. It is safe to use a microwave for cooking purposes.
This is disputable, but some people claim that the radiation from cell phones is harmful to your brain.
Actually - children under 12 they should be banned from using mobiles ! There is on-going research into the effects of the microwave radiation given out by mobile phones on the user. Children have thin skulls - allowing the microwave radiation to penetrate deeper into the users brain.
Chemistry effects mental health. Diet & nutrition are chemicals. Eat healthy foods and improve your brain chemistry. That will enhance the ability of your brain to improve your mental health.
Radio waves from cell phones can lead to brain cancer so yes
Yes, there are recommended limits for radiation exposure to the brain set by regulatory bodies to minimize the risk of harmful effects. These limits depend on factors such as the purpose of the radiation exposure and the individual's circumstances, such as age and health. It's important to follow these guidelines to ensure the safety of individuals undergoing radiation therapy or diagnostic imaging.