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Q: What effect does ash have on your body?
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What is the effect of volcanic ash?

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you cannot get celebi even you name yourself Ash, the name doesn't effect anything

What describes the effect of volcanoes .?

They cool earth, due to the ash and gas released.

Why do volcanoes effect planes?

After volcanoes erupt, a huge cloud of ash rises above it. This ash cloud causes problems for aeroplanes in mid flight.

What correctly describes the effect of volcanoes?

They cool earth, due to the ash and gas released.

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The effect is to dry the flueds inside the body

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the effect is to preserve the body for millions of years

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It covered the roman town of pompeii with ash and killed everyone basically

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Yes. When a body is cremated, all that's left is a quantity of ash. Put under high temperature, and enough pressure, the Carbon atoms in the ash will re-form into diamond.

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