Adrenaline is a chemical that basically prepares your body for "fight or flight". It gives you a brief increase in energy and in some cases strength so you can either fight what triggers it, or run away from it.
Adrenalin is secreted by (what else?) the adrenal glands located on top of the kidneys and it regulates the body's FIGHT or FLIGHT mechanism which is part of our survival instinct. It raises blood pressure, moves blood to the limbs and out of the organs for the moment of fear, excitement, rage, etc.
It has a very peculiar stimulating effect which some claim addictive and use as a way of understanding extremes athletes who constantly put their lives at risk.
Hope this helped!
it makes you body grow maturely faster
Adrenaline has the same effect on a cockroaches heart as it does on humans and other animals and insects. When a cockroach experiences high levels of adrenaline it will increase their heart rate.
Well adrenaline is basically a natural drug that gets produced in your body, Now if you are doing a sport and adrenaline kicks in, I would think it not only would you get extremely into the sport you are playing but it would also make you perform much better and focus much better.
Adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal glands.
Adrenaline increases blood pressure because adrenaline increase heart rate. This means the heart is pumping more blood at a faster rate increasing the pressure in the veins and arteries throughout the body
it makes you feel pumped and lets you think clearer so your head becomes clear and theres no stress
John Clifford Stickney has written: 'The effect of epinephrine, injected or secreted' -- subject(s): Adrenaline, Potassium in the body
food You body can also produce adrenaline when you are in "fight or flight" mode. In that case Adrenaline would be your body's main energy source.
Adrenaline is produced by the human body to give extra strength, stamina and speed of thought in times of need. Quite often it produces a sense of euphoria which people can crave, most commonly called an "adrenaline rush". Because of this drug like feeling it could possibly be called an adrenaline trip. However this may refer to someone actively seeking out stressful activities to produce this effect.
The effect of epinephrine mimics the effect of the sympathetic nervous system. Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline, and it activates the "fight or flight" responses in the body, such as increasing heart rate, dilating airways, and increasing blood flow to muscles.