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hydrocortisone and streptomycin

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Q: What drugs used for hydrotubation?
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Can a 45years woman do hydrotubation and yet get pregnant?


Is hydrotubation process painfull?

Hydrotubation is a very painful process and should be done under sedation. That way, you will not feel much of the pain and will not remember most parts of d procedure.

How are antimigraine drugs to be used?

Antimigraine drugs are used to treat headaches once they have started. These drugs should not be taken to prevent headaches.

What is the purpose of drugs used in labor?

These drugs are used to induce (start) or continue labor.

Which drugs are commonly used in mesothelioma treatment?

There are several drugs used to treat mesothelioma. There are various chemotherapy drugs, such as Cisplatin, Navelbine, and Alitma.

What are antiepileptic drugs?

Antiepileptic drugs are all drugs used to treat or prevent convulsions, as in epilepsy.

What drugs were used in World War I?

cocain and other drugs such as cigrettes were used in world war 1

What are antiprotozoal drugs used to treat?

Antiprotozoal drugs are used to treat a variety of diseases caused by protozoa.

Can Costco coupons be used to purchase prescription drugs?

No most of the coupons you get from Costco cannot be used to purchase prescription drugs. You will have to purchase these drugs without a coupon.

What kind of drugs has Samuel L. Jackson used drugs?


What are the drugs used for ethosomal formulation?

non steroidal antinflammatory drugs

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