Adrian Mutu was born on January 8, 1979.
Adrian Mutu is 32 years old (birthdate: January 8, 1979).
Adrian mutu,mark boshich,Kieran fallon and many more
It is Adrian Mutu.
Adrian Mutu is well known for being the person who would like to adopt the baby that was found in a chinese sewer. The baby was a newborn and just 5 lbs when it was found in a chinese sewer.
John Terry, Adrian Mutu and Eidur Gudjohnson
Romania, however he appears as Andrei Murgu, due to his FIFPro beings suspended after the drugs incident. He plays for Fiorentina under the same name
Adrian Mutu is a great romanian football striker who played for Dinamo Bucharest,Inter Milano,Verona,Chelsea and currently playing fo Fiorentina{2008-2009}.
currenlty fiorentina, he was on not active but recently fiorentina took him back
Adrian Mutu; a soccer player Nadia Comăneci; famous gymnast See the list below.
No they do not take drugs