There are no perfect rhymes for the word wholeheartedly.
No, "wholeheartedly" is one word.
I wholeheartedly admired Claudia's thoroughness. The citizens wholeheartedly approved of the council's decision.
The boy believed wholeheartedly in his parents.
I wholeheartedly recommend this sentence as a great example.
Organize your sources and conquer your obstacles.
It is serving your parish voluntary and wholeheartedly through the organizations, ministries, etc. provided.
Divide and conquer is computer science. It is an important algorithm design.
It means "We conquer by fortitude!" or more popularly, "By endurance we conquer!"
Synonyms of wholeheartedly would include unreservedly, unrestrainedly, enthusiastically.... ...and sincerely.
They wholeheartedly agreed that she deserved the award for bravery after saving the woman who was drowning in the river.