Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.
any smoking while pregnant is terrible. im all for weed but if your pregnant its a bad idea
They are both harmful. If you are pregnant, quit both of those substances along with alcohol, caffeine and other drugs not recommended by a doctor.
Definitely not.
Women shouldn't be smoking weed period, so the answer is no and no. If you know of someone smoking weed report them to the police.
Ya, why were you wondering?
Honey any man with sperm can get you pregnant, But smokign weed does sometimes cause sperm count to become low and not active. Try asking a doctor.
almonds is good for pregnant women.
weed and women
Women who are pregnant, or who suspect that they are pregnant, must tell their doctor before the procedure begins. Pregnant women can, and should, have a colposcopy if they have an abnormal Pap test.
Stop smoking it.