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Q: What does waist circumference measure?
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What tool would be the best in measuring the circumference of your waist?

A cloth tape measure.

How can you put the word circumference in a sentence?

His prime objective was to measure a degree on the equator to calculate the circumference of the earth.Studies have shown there has been a large increase in waist circumference in young people.The earth's circumference was accurately measured around 240 BCE by Eeratosthenes.It isn't easy to measure the circumference of large items.

What are the purpose of waist circumference?

our self is the answer

What is the waist size of the average American man?

The waist size of the average American men is a size 40 waist circumference.

Should all our length be measured to the same decimal point?

No. You would use different units of measurement. You would measure the size (circumference) of your waist (for trousers) in centimetres. You would not measure the distance to the moon in centimetres!

Is it true that around your neck equals your waist?

NO. Todays people have larger waist circumferences on average than the circumference of their necks.

What can be use to gauge the amount of a person abdominal fat?

Waist circumference

What is the required waist length for modeling?

It is not the waist length that is important but the measurement of the waist's circumference. In modeling it is ideally 24 inches or smaller, but no larger than 25 inches.

How do you measure your waist size?

You can buy some tapes from most retail stores and they measure your waist size in inches.

What would you use to measure your waist?

A tape measure.

How do I measure myself for jeans?

Measure your waist and inseam.

What are the parts of the body that can be measure?

Parts of the body that can be measured include height, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Additional measurements can include body composition (such as body fat percentage), muscle strength, and flexibility.