Uncommonly attractive is synonymous with unconventional beauty. Having physical features that are quite different or unique from others.
Uncommonly attractive is synonymous with unconventional beauty. Having physical features that are quite different or unique from others.
Uncommonly is an adverb.
It means infrequently, rarely, seldom, uncommonly, on rare occasions
Handsome means that you are attractive. What is attractive to some, may not be attractive to everyone. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I think pretty means you are pleasing to look at. And attractive means that you are pleasing on a sexual level. So if you are pretty but not attractive, you are good looking but not in a sexual manner.
Physical beauty has nothing to do with an attractive personality. If someone's personality is attractive it means the way they act, not the way they look, is attractive.
Comely means pleasing in appearance; attractive; fair.Lass means girl or young woman.So this sentence means - she was an attractive young woman.
Handsome means that you are attractive. What is attractive to some, may not be attractive to everyone. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
The word attractive is an adjective. It means to be pleasing to the senses.
It means attractive, but in a slightly menacing way.
hot dog
He is a unussual man