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if you fancy some one it means you love or like them

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Q: What does to fancy someone mean?
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it means a girl wants 666 with you

What does it mean to fancy someone?

To fancy someone is to enjoy their company very much. So much so, that you might spend a lot of time fantasizing about your real or imagined time(s) together.

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it means someone who lays on a vonna. a vonna is the fancy name for an army cot.

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It's just a fancy-pantsy way of saying: "Someone who works here".

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HAWT is this case may mean an acronym, but in many cases, it's just a fancy way of calling someone hot.

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dont get somthing really expensive or fancy

What do you do if someone fancies you?

Well if you do not fancy them but they fancy you, you should say "I want to be your friend but I am not ready to go out with someone at the moment". and if you do fancy them, try and get to know them, then see what happens!!:D

Where can someone buy fancy dress costumes in the UK?

Someone can buy fancy dress costumes in the UK at Argos and Fancy Dress Ball. These two stores have hundreds of fancy dress costumes specifically for Halloween.

Can you make yourself fancy someone?

Your question makes me think there is someone who fancies you but you don't fancy him or her. You shouldn't force yourself to fancy someone; either it happens or it doesn't. If it does, it will occur naturally and if it doesn't, it just isn't the right fit.

Does fancy mean recall?

Fancy means gaudy, decorated.

What if someone asks if you fancy them in a different language?

answer them!

What does it mean when someone you fancy is Edward Cullen in a dream?

It means that your dreams are not only influenced by your real life but by your day dreams related to Twilight.