-ologist means the person who studies.
The suffix for "ophthalmologist" is "-ologist." In medical terminology, the suffix "-ologist" is used to denote a specialist or expert in a particular field. In this case, an ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders and diseases.
The word parts in "histologist" are: Hist- (from Greek "histos" meaning tissue) -o- (a connecting vowel) -logist (suffix indicating a specialist or expert in the field)
The word 'dermatology', recorded in 1819, comes from the Greek derma, meaning skin, leather, or hide, plus the Greek suffix -logy, meaning science (of) or branch of learning or knowledge.The term 'dermatologist' comes into English from the same roots as above, with the suffix -logist, meaning practitioner of, or expert, or learned, in, added in 1861.
Other than saying the person is a "specialist in..." or a "... major" (if in college), there's the use of the suffix "-logist" or "-ologist" for experts/scholars in particular fields: antropologist, paleontologist, mineralogist, theologist, meteorologist, biologist, bacteriologist... "TheEnglish suffix -ology or -logydenotes a field of study or academicdiscipline, and -ologist describes a person who studies that field. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ologies#List_of_-ologies)
Podologist pod/o- (Foot) -logist (one who studies)
The suffix "-er" often means "one who does" or "one who performs the action." For example, a baker is one who bakes, a singer is one who sings, and a writer is one who writes.
A person who specializes in a particular field of science or study.
M. S. Wingersky has written: 'Logist user's guide'
The suffix of "undoing" is "-ing."
The suffix of "moon" is "-oon".