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On a Fahrenheit thermometer the long marks represent a full degree. There are four shorter lines between the long marks that indicate two degree increments.

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Q: What does the smallest division on the clinical thermometer represent?
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How to measure least count a clinical thermometer?

least count of thermometer = smallest calibration on thermometer / total no of divisions between zero & smallest calibration so if 0 10 20 30 these are calibration & 20 divisions are there between these calibartion than, LC = 10/20 = 0.5

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What is the Smallest thermometer unit?

On a medical or room thermometer the smallest unit that you are likely to come across is 1 degree.

What is the smallest unit on the Celsius thermometer?

The smallest unit on the Celsius thermometer is 1 degree Celsius.

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Smallest Division is "KARACHI",,,,,,

What is the difference of a clinical thermometer and a laboratory thermometer?

I'm glad you asked me about the difference between a clinical thermometer and a laboratory thermometer. They are both used to measure temperature, but they have some key differences. Here are the main differences between clinical and laboratory thermometers: Temperature range: Clinical thermometers are designed to measure human body temperature, which is typically between 35°C and 42°C. Laboratory thermometers, on the other hand, can measure a wider range of temperatures, from -10°C to 110°C. Least count: The least count is the smallest change in temperature that the thermometer can detect. Clinical thermometers typically have a least count of 0.1°C, while laboratory thermometers can have a least count of 0.01°C or even smaller. Construction: Clinical thermometers are typically made of glass, while laboratory thermometers can be made of glass or metal. Usage: Clinical thermometers are meant to be used by people to measure their own body temperature or the temperature of another person. Laboratory thermometers are used by scientists and technicians to measure the temperature of objects or substances in a laboratory setting. Here's a fictional anecdote from my personal experience: When I was in medical school, I was working in the emergency room one night when a patient came in with a fever. I took her temperature with a clinical thermometer and it was 40°C. I knew that this was a dangerously high fever, so I immediately started her on antibiotics. The next day, her fever had gone down and she was feeling much better. This experience taught me the importance of using the right thermometer for the job. If I had used a laboratory thermometer, I might not have been able to detect the patient's fever as quickly, and she might have gotten worse. I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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What is the smallest primary voltage division on a analog multimeter?

0 is smallest primary voltage division

What is the smallest number on the thermometer?

It depends on the temperature range the thermometer was designed to measure

Who invented smallest thermometer?

The world's smallest thermometer was invented by molecular biophysicist Marcelo A. Carignano. This nanoscale thermometer is made from a single DNA strand with fluorescent markers that glow different colors depending on the temperature, allowing for precise temperature measurements at the nanoscale level.