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Q: What does the saying clean your finger before you point at your spots mean?
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Before you point your finger make sure your hands are clean?

Before you point your finger make sure your hands are clean

What does clean you finger before you point at my spots?

Be sure you don't have problems before you say others do.

What does clean you finger before you point at my spots mean?

Be sure you don't have problems before you say others do.

What does clean my finger before you point at my spots mean?

Be sure you don't have problems before you say others do.

Who said before you point the dirty finger make sure your hands are clean?

Africa Unite in the song "Judge Not"

What does Jesus' message about judging people mean?

We should not judge anyone unless we have all of the facts before us. This must be substantiated by two or three peolpe. Jesus says that before we can judge people we must look to our own lives, that they are pure and holy. There is an old saying that when you point a finger there are three fingers pointing back at you. Point at something and you will see what I mean.

What are the basics of good groming?

Stay well shaved, if you have facial hair, keep it trimmed. Try to shower twice a day, before and after work/school, and after exerting yourself to the point that you sweat. Brush your teeth after each meal. Wear deodorant. Clean your ears regularly. Keep your hair clean and cut neatly. Keep your finger and toe nails cut and clean.

Who wrote the saying before filling your wheelbarrow point it in the direction you intend to go?

B. A. Mello

What are the five main parts of your hand?

thumb, point finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger

On which hand is Peter Pettigrew missing a finger?

It is the forefinger of his right hand. The book specifically mentions this by saying he had to point with his middle finger because he lacked an index finger.

Is the index finger the middle finger?

No, the index finger is next to the thumb. Then the middle finger. Then the ring finger. Then the little finger, sometimes called pinky. no its the one between the middle finger and the thumb. The one you point it.

In Europe is it impolite to point your finger?

Yes, it is.