Pulmonary system- contains tissues and organs specialized for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from our bodies and for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
pneum or pulmon
The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System
Coronary or cardio is blood flow. Pulmonary or respiratory is breathing.
Pulmonary veins derive from the lungs. And reside in the cardiovascular system.
Pulmonary-- Refers to the lungs and the breathing system and function.
Pulmonary circulation Pulmonary circulation pulmonary circulation pulmonary circulation
The pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein.
The pulmonary system is connected to the pulmonary system in two ways. First the circulatory system does the same for the pulmonary system as it does for every other part of the body -- it supplies food and oxygen and removes waste products and CO2. But, in addition the heart pumps blood through the lungs to remove CO2 and pick up oxygen.