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Fluoride is actually not a mineral... it is an element. Although there is some controversy regarding the use of fluoride, it is mainly used to help increase the density of the teeth. Since teeth are somewhat porous, fluoride fills these tiny spaces resulting in a stronger tooth surface. It is typically used to reduce sensitivity and prevent cavities.

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Q: What does the mineral fluoride do?
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Is fluoride a mineral or a crystal?

Fluoride is an ion. Flourite is a mineral. Like all minerals, it is crystalline.

Is fluoride a macro or trace mineral?

Fluoride is considered a trace mineral. It is required by the body in very small amounts for dental health, but excessive intake can be harmful and lead to fluoride toxicity.

Is fluorite and fluoride the same thing?

No, fluorite is a naturally occurring mineral composed of calcium fluoride, while fluoride is an anion of the element fluorine that is commonly found in toothpaste and drinking water to promote dental health.

Is fluoride a trace mineral?

Yes, fluoride is considered a trace mineral because it is required by the body in very small amounts for various physiological functions, primarily for maintaining strong teeth and bones.

What mineral helps prevent tooth decay and how can it be incorporated into your dental care routine?

Fluoride is the mineral that helps prevent tooth decay. It can be incorporated into your dental care routine by using fluoride toothpaste, drinking fluoridated water, and getting professional fluoride treatments from your dentist.

Is fluoride a drug?

It depends on how it's used. Fluoride is actually a mineral in its original form, but it can be modified to make things like toothpaste and mouthwash. Fluoride isn't a drug, but it can be used to make them.

How fluoride is useful for dental health?

Fluoride incorporates into the mineral component of teeth, hardening them and thus making them more resistant to decay. However fluoride at high doses can cause fluorosis (a permanent dark staining of teeth) and overdoses can result in toxicity. It needs to be used carefully.

How do you turn fluorite into fluoride?

Fluorite is a mineral composed of calcium fluoride. To produce fluoride, fluorite is typically processed using various chemical methods to extract fluoride ions. The extracted fluoride ions can then be utilized in different applications such as water fluoridation or in the production of various industrial products.

What mineral hardens and stabilizes the crystals of teeth and makes the enamel resistant to decay?


How is the mineral fluoride mined?

Fluoride is typically not mined directly but rather is a byproduct of mining operations that extract other minerals like phosphate rock or fluorspar. It is extracted through a process called water fluoridation or by processing fluorite minerals. The mineral fluoride itself is not commonly mined due to its high solubility in water.

What is the mineral fluorite composed of?

The mineral fluorite is composed of calcium fluoride. The mineral is very colorful and often a greenish color. It had been discovered as far back as the 16th century.

Can fluoride be a chemical compound?

Fluoride itself is a monatmic ion of the element fluorine. It must be paired with a positive ion to form a compound. The fluoride in toothpaste is sodium fluoride. Some people confuse fluoride with the mineral fluorite (calcium fluoride), which is a compound.