If your body temperature gets above normal levels, you are susceptible to dehydration, at higher levels delirium, and above 108 body system shutdown because the proteins in your cells will begin to denature.
your body start's perspireing
The first thing that happens when the body gets too hot is it beings to sweat. This provides immediate cooling which begins controlling body temperature.
the body sweats alot and this can cause illness
attract attention.
yeah if you eat too much
Below are some opinions from WikiAnswers contributors:Crazy hot!I agree she is pretty hot. She has a great body too.
When the body gets too hot we sweat. Then when its gets too hot, we start to burn and our nerves send signals to the brain which tells you too stop. Then when it gets really hot, u catch of fire. When the body gets cold, you feel like sticking your self, then u shiver.
well you get hot because you are doing too much extra curricular exercise or just messing about your body can't cope with too much exercise
you sweat you get very hot and that makes you get skin cancer and can give you sun strokes
Course, you can get a temperature. Also you may faint. when you feel your body is hot,then the person is having temparature and makes him sick too.
The body begins to sweat. A person getting too hot will remove a layer or two of clothing, or open a window, or move to somewhere cooler.