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Base Curve normally refers to the front curve of the lens. they can range from 1 Diopter of curve to 10 Diopters of curve (normally used for really wrapped Sunglasses like Ray-Ban, Oakley)

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Q: What does the base curve in eyeglasses mean?
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What does base curve in eyeglasses mean?

Base curve is a term used to describe how a lens in a pair of eyeglasses needs to be positioned to work with a persons eyes. Since everyone's eyes are shaped slightly different, all eyeglasses have a unique base curve.

What does the curve of thumbs mean?

The curve of your thumb is the part where it looks rounded, at the base of your thumb.

What does curve mean?

curve means Bend

Is it OK to wear 8.7 base curve and 14.0 diameter soft disposable contacts if you are a 8.6 base curve and 14.2 diameter?

It would not be recommended that you wear 8.7 base curve and 14.0 diameter soft disposable contacts if that is not your prescription. Your eye doctor should order the correct size of 8.6 base curve and 14.2 diameter when he orders your new soft disposable contacts.

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What is the antonyms of eyeglasses?

what is the antonym for eyeglasses or glasses

Is it true that a normal distribution curve is symmetric about the mean?

yup, it's a bell curve

What are the properties of a standard normal curve?

It is a normal curve with mean = 0 and variance = 1.

How do you call a trace of a point on a circle that rolls and slips?

Not certain what you mean but try google / involute curve , then click on the involute curvethe involute curve is the fundemantal shape of (amongst others) a spur gear tooth profile, generated from the gear base circle diameter.

Can you give me a sentence for eyeglasses?

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Do eyeglasses have a patent on them?

Eyeglasses predate the patent system.

What is the plural of eyeglass?

The singular form 'eyeglasses' is a shortened form for 'a pair of eyeglasses'.The plural form is two pairs of eyeglasses, or simply 'eyeglasses'.