RUMBA stands for Relevance,Understandable Measurable Behavioral and Attainable. It is used for the interventions in medical care. To take care of a patient, nurses need a goal to work to. Nurses decide witch goals they want to attain, after they have the Diagnoses. This goal has to be realistic. To see if the goal is realistic, they introduce the RUMBA terms to the goal. Often the results are compared with the NOC (Nurse Outcome Classification.
After this phase, they select interventions to start the care of a patient
Also there are
NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnoses Association
NIC (Nursing Intervention Classification)
For more information, look up to the world he alt organisation (WHO)
Hippocratic oath
The acronym CIC can stand for many things but in medical terms it most probably stands for Clinical Information Consultancy as used by the NHS. Otherwise the term could stand for Certified Infection Control possibly when used in nursing.
focus on your work
STET it means "let it stand" in printer's terms
What does R & O stand for?
In Nursing / Hospital terms : Activities of Daily Living; Sleeping, toileting, lethragy etc. Honestly don't know what A D L (is short for in words) but it's the standard grade stock with pressed checkering.
MG stand for Mega Bytes.GB stand for Giga BytesB stand for bytes
LCM stand for Least Common Multiple