The push up test is when you sit up and lay down idiots.
Push Up Test
Muscles contracting for a long period of time
Two quick and easy ways to test the muscular endurance of your upper body and your core muscles are the push-up test and the sit-up test. The push-up test is simply seeing how many pushups you can complete successfully within a minute's time. The sit-up test is similar except it comprises of doing sit-ups for a minute. The more you can do of each within a minute the more endurance you have. I believe the average for the push-ups is 17-34 for men. I don't know about the women's average or of the sit-up average.
SATS test for science have been dropped by the government. While it remains a core subject it is up to the school or LEA how to assess progress.
A bleeding time test is a test used to assess the ability of a person's blood to clot.
spearman rhos
cardiovascular fitness
the basic kind of physical fitness are push up, curls up, running, etc.
By checking your pulse and seeing if you heart rate is in the target heart rate zone.