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it's something you say when perhaps you offer something really nice (or in your opinion) to someone and they turn it down, or if you say "do you want to come to dinner" and they turn it down, it means, basically... If that's what you want it's ok but i personally wouldn't have chosen that. It's mostly used when people reject something nice.

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Q: What does suit yourself mean?
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When was Suit Yourself created?

Suit Yourself was created in 2005.

What actors and actresses appeared in Suit Yourself - 2008?

The cast of Suit Yourself - 2008 includes: Maureen Mountcastle Tony Schnur

What are the release dates for Suit Yourself - 2010?

Suit Yourself - 2010 was released on: USA: 12 May 2010 (Underexposed Film Festival)

What is the meaning of the phrase 'suit yourself'?

To suit yourself is to do what pleases you. You use this phrase most often when someone has expressed a desire to do something you either would not do or have no wish to do.

What is the origin of 'suit yourself'?

In medieval times when a squire was unhappy with being charged with applying a suit of Armour to the knight the squire could reply with the phrase"suit yourself" which showed some resistance, but not a severe level of insubordination which at the time could have resulted in death.

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no one knows you have to make it yourself

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Goodyear Television Playhouse - 1951 Suit Yourself 5-1 was released on: USA: 11 September 1955

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The Good Life - 1975 Suit Yourself 4-5 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG (video rating) (2001)

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a radiation suit

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If you mean the lowest card with a heart suit you can have, it would be a two.