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It's a symbol for "cunninglus" , which is the act of performing oral sex on a woman. Though, mostly immature people make that sign.

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14y ago

That is a symbol for oral sex being performed on a girl.

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Q: What does sticking your tongue between two fingers mean?
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What does putting your fingers in a peace sign of your mouth and sticking your tongue out mean?

the peace sign in this case represent a women's vagina. Sticking your tongue out means you are preforming oral sex on a female partner.

What does it mean when a girl puts their tongue between two fingers?

they want you to lick their vagina. they are symbolizing their fingers as their legs, and their tongue as your tongue.

What does P mean in text messages?

:-p is a sideways face sticking its tongue out at you.

What does it mean when you hold your 2 fingers up and put your tongue between them?


What does tongue between the fingers mean?

Its a guy (what?!?) thing like Mocking (what?!?) eating out a vagina. Your two fingers are the vagina and you are stiking your tongue in the middle I never seen a girl do this only guys (you're as blind as you are dumb lady!!!).

What does the letter P mean in chat room?

It means sticking out your tongue.

Why was churchill always sticking to fingers in the air?

Do you mean the V made with two fingers? It meant victory.

What does sticking out your tongue mean?

If you stick your tongue out, you poke it out of your mouth.

What does it mean when a female sticks out her tongue?

In general, sticking out one's tongue is a signal of disrespect, but when done by a girl between the ages of twelve and fifteen years, it might be a signal of mild interest in a boy: a way of attracting his attention and starting a conversation.

What does pulling down your eyelid and sticking out your tongue mean?

Its called ankkbee it sorta mean F you only kids do that though in japan

What does it mean if you are tongueing someone?

Kissing and then suddenly sticking your tongue in the others mouth (other is usually surprised) and down their throat. ... Top definition. tongue you downunknown · Kissing and then suddenly sticking your ... and down their throat. John said to his girlfriend 'im going to tongue you down' as they were kissing.

What does Xp mean in texting?

laughing face: like XD, but ..XP is a laughing face sticking the tongue out tilt your head to the left