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According to the Macquarie Dictionary it means you will have tacos for dinner tonight.

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Q: What does semi popular mean?
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You are a semi popular girl if you are going out with a popular guy?


What if your semi popular and your friend tells you that she overhears two popular girls talking about how pretty and skinny you are what does this mean?

It means that they think you are pretty and skinny, or your friend was not telling the truth.

What are some popular semi permanent cosmetics?

Some popular brands of semi-permanent cosmetics are Micro Art and Marbella. Semi-permanent makeup is not new, however, as people have been using henna for several thousands of years.

What does the prefix semi mean as in semi tralier?

half or part of

What is does semi-wild mean?

the prefix semi means 'half' or 'sort-of' so semi-wild would mean sort of wild, but not totally wild.

What is a popular brand of chocolate often used by bakers for its semi-sweet flavor?

Ghirardelli is a popular brand of chocolate known for its semi-sweet flavor and is often used by bakers.

Are there any prefices that mean the the same as semi?

Hemi-, demi- and halv- all mean 'half', as does semi-

What does it mean to be semi permeable?

Permeable mean that it is full time. Semi-permeable is when it is only part of the time.

What do you mean by semi stealth jet?

It means it's semi-stealth!

How much i tunes money can get you 17 songs?

iTunes now has songs priced based on popularity. The most popular songs go for $1.29, semi-popular for $0.99, and unpopular for $0.69. For semi-popular songs, you will need $17.

What does semi pregnant mean?

Nothing. You are either pregnant or you are not pregnant - you can not be semi pregnant.

What does semi-centennial mean?

Semi-centennial means once every half-century.