Scoleoses is a Curve in your back okay? I'm only 13 and I have itThe way that the curves are marked is 0 degress to 10d is Mild which is get out and don't come back 11d to 17 is moderate which means in 5 months come back for another x-ray and last but not least 18d and up is SERIOUS where you have to get a brace and grow with the brace. I have a 17.2d and 20.4d curve in my back so I'm going back May 5th. But anyone who doesn't have it should consider theirselves lucky!
what does a parallegram look like? what does a parallegram look like? what does a parallegram look like?
how does cottons look like how does cottons look like
We would write either "How did it look?" or "What did it look like?"
they look like you
Why do you look like you do?
this is what he look's like
look like an octopus look like an octopus
7577654677889765423456676778 what oes that look like 7577654677889765423456676778 what oes that look like
It look like that pig.
what does thor look like
they look like a monster...........
it look like a magam